Develop A Winning Non Profit Culture

By J.E.S.S.I.C.A Cares (other events)

Tuesday, November 27 2018 7:00 PM 8:00 PM EDT

Ritz Carlton, Nordstroms, M.A.D.D., and the list goes on...

Every GREAT company/organization has established a winning professional culture.  From the leader to the entry level employee, EVERYONE plays their role in creating this culture.  This is not something that is developed on its is something that is built day by day, week by week, month by month and year after year!

In the non profit arena, your organization is the beaken of light for those who are not in a space that best serves them.  How your employees and volunteers are trained and groomed will be a direct effect of the interaction they will have with those seeking your services.

Why not make that interaction one that has the WOW factor?

This webinar will provide Top Tips to create that culture, one that will benefit the employees, volunteers, the recipients as well as the LEGACY your organization will leave and the impact it will make for generations to come.