2023 Author's Masterclass

By J.E.S.S.I.C.A Cares (other events)

Saturday, January 7 2023 9:00 AM 11:00 AM EDT

"I want to write a book, but that is going to take a long time to do!" or "I wouldn't even know where to begin!"

If you have been wanting to make your dreams come true as it relates to becoming an Author, but time constraints have prevented you from doing is your answer.

For seven weeks beginning, Saturday, January 7th, J.E.S.S.I.C.A. Cares will be facilitating an intensive seven week course, meeting only once a week.  The course will include the following:

1. Marketing Strategy

2. Book Cover Design

3. Book Title/Self Publishing Instructions

4. Pre Launch and Book Signing Instructions

5. Editing and Formatting Resources

This is a DO NOT MISS Masterclass! 

Invest in yourself, invest in your dreams, invest the time and register.  Add Author to your resume' by joining us.