2 Day Intensive Authors Masterclass

By J.E.S.S.I.C.A Cares (other events)

Friday, February 19 2021 6:00 PM 9:00 PM EDT

"I can't commit to a six week Masterclass!"

"My work schedule changes week to week, so I can't be sure that I will be able to get off work during the time the class will be facilited!"

If you have been wanting to make your dreams come true as it relates to becoming an Author, but time constraints have prevented you from doing is your answer.

For two days, Friday February 19th and Saturday, February 20th, J.E.S.S.I.C.A. Cares will be facilitating an intensive course.  The course will include the following:

1. The ENTIRE six week Masterclass will be taught with new vital information (INTENSIVE Training)

2. Marketing Strategy

3. Self Publishing Training (Amazon)

4. Book Cover Design

5. Intensive Q & A

This is a DO NOT MISS Masterclass! 

Invest in yourself, invest in your dreams, invest the time and register.  Add Author to your resume' by joining us.